Terrific 25th Masonic District News
November 2013
November 1 Lodge Rosters need to start being sent to RWB Anderson by mail or E-mail on the form provided and attached to this E-mail. It can all be done on the Computer and E-mailed back. The absolute deadline is November 16.
November 3 Installation of R.W.B. Arthur Moore Jr as DDGM at Temple Lodge 4:00PM Refreshments to Follow
November 9 Installation of RWB Adrain McAleer as DDGM at Cortland lodge Dinner At 6:00PM Reservations by Nov 2nd installation at 7:00Pm
November 10 Installation of R.W.B. Michael Lee as DDGM at Rockton Lodge 3:00PM Refreshments to follow.
November 12 Old Erie Installation at 7:00 PM, Open, Dinner 6:00 PM
November 17 Installation of WB Jeffrey Lock Jr as DEO at Newton Falls lodge at 2:00PM
November 16 Past Masters Convocation at Old Erie Lodge #3 in Warren. Breakfast at 7:30 AM Business at 9:00 AM All Masters-elect must be in attendance
November 16 Rockton Installation at 7:00 PM, Open, Dinner at 6:00 PM
November 18 Cortland Installation at 7:00 PM, Open, Dinner at 6:00 PM
November 19 W.K. Ricksecker Installation at 7:00 PM, Open, Dinner at 6:00 PM
November 20 Gustavus Installation at 7:00 PM, Closed, Dinner After
November 21 Garrettsville Installation at 7:00 PM, Open, Dinner at 6:30 PM
November 22 William Farr Installation at 7:00 PM, Open, Dinner at 6:30 PM
November 23 Evergreen Installation at 7:00 PM, Open, Dinner at 6:00 PM
November 23 Unity Installation at 7:00 PM, Open,Dinner After
November 25 Newton Falls Installation at 7:00 PM, Open, Dinner at 6:00 PM
November 26 Triandria Installation at 7:00PM, Open, Dinner at 6:00PM
November 30 Temple Installation at 7:00 PM, Open, Dinner at 6:00 PM
November 30 Geneva Installation at 7:00 PM, Open, Dinner After
25th District Awards night was on October 12.
The following awards were presented.
The Big Ernie Traveling award to Rockton Lodge #316
Lodge Officers traveling award to Western Reserve Lodge #507,
Most Lodge Members at their own inspection to Niles McKinley #794
The Lecture awards went to W.B. Tom Carr from Copper Penny Lodge for the EA lecture, Mitch Hudson from Relief Lodge for the FC lecture and W.B. Jon Schmid from Tuscan for the MM lecture.
The three out- going DDGMs, R. W. Scott Baker, R.W. Gary Evans and R.W. Herb Stanford were presented plaques for their years of service as was out-going DEO W. B. Orville West.
Grand Master MW Norman J. Mick
Grand Orator RW Eric R. Schau
Deputy Grand Master RW Steven E.Cokonougher
Grand Marshall RW Jess N. Raines
Senior Grand Warden RW Robert C. Rill Jr.
Senior Grand Deacon RW Keith W. Newton
Junior Grand Warden RW Douglas N. Kaylor
Junior Grand Deacon RW Douglas A. Sunnenberg
Grand Treasurer RW Ronald L. Connelly
Grand Tyler RW Robert J. Hons Jr
Grand Secretary MW C. Michael Watson
Grand Chaplin RW Robert H. Coster
Also congratulations to our new District Deputy Grand Masters. R.W.B. Michael E. Lee from Rockton Lodge, R.W.B. Adrian T. McAleer from Cortland Lodge and R.W.B. Arthur Moore from Temple Lodge and our new District Education Officer W.B. Jeffery L. Lock from Newton Falls Lodge